2nd Sermon

Kids Sermon

The Lord be with you.

Ok, how many of you like to sing. No, not the latest songs on the radio, I mean just like what we heard in the Psalm of the day. Sing of your steadfast love forever. What your favorite Bible song? How about Jesus Loves me? Shall we sing it?

Jesus loves me! this I know, for the Bible tells me so; Little ones to him belong, they are week, but he is strong.

Yes, Jesus loves me, Yes, Jesus loves me, Yes, Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so.

Jesu loves me! he bwho died heavens gates to open wide; he will wash away my sins, let his little child come in;

Yes, Jesus loves me, Yes, Jesus loves me, Yes, Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so.

Jesus Loves me! he will stay close beside me all the way; when at last I come to die, he will take me home on high.

Yes, Jesus loves me, Yes, Jesus loves me, Yes, Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so.

Now how does it make you feel to know the Jesus loves you? Raise your hand if you know how much Jesus loves you? Now, I don’t have to turn around and see if everybody behind me has their hand up. He loves us so much that he died on the cross for our sins. What’s even better is what happened on Easter Morning. What happened Easter Morning? Yes, He arose from the dead. That shows us how much God loves his Son and how much he loves us.

Now, how do we know this? No, it’s not because a Pastor or Sunday School Teacher said so; it’s because of the Holy Spirit. You remember a couple of Sundays ago learning about Pentecost. Well, that was when the Holy Spirit came and helped the Disciples, and when we were Baptized, that’s when the Holy Spirit started helping us.

So, go and sing of the Lord’s steadfast love.



O Lord, may the words from my mouth be from your inspiration of my heart, Amen.

As we look into the second lesson in Romans, we can see where, in the brief order of confession, we are in bondage to sin and cannot free ourselves.

How many times, while speaking these words, have we reflected and thought; boy, this list is awful long. How can I be forgiven for all of these sins? Well, it’s good that your thinking that. It shows that you truly know that you’ve sinned and are truly sorry for those sins. But, what about those sins that are unknown? You ask yourself, how can they be my sin, if I don’t know about them?

As we learned in Luther’s Small Catechism about confession of our sins, we acknowledge being guilt of our sins before God when we name them. He searches our hearts and sees even those sins of which we are not aware.

We also acknowledge this in saying the Lord’s Prayer. The forgive our trespasses part.

Getting back to Romans, how can we not be a slave to sin? We all know it’s human nature to be sinful, but we also know that God will not tempt us. So, why do we sin? Why is it so easy for us to tell that “little white lie”, the simple “not me” answer, or “I don’t know”? When we’re caught “red handed” in a sin!

Now, how about the two new commandments the Jesus gave us? The love the Lord our God with all your heat and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. And to love your neighbor as yourself. Are we able to go sinless on these two? How about the first ten? How many Thou shall not’s can we make it through before we say, yup, theirs one I gotta say yes too.

Let’s see; 1 Thou shall have no other gods before me. Nope no sin there.

2 Thou shall not take the name of the Lord in vain. Hum. Well that’s how far I get. You?

3 Keep the Sabbath and keep it Holy, nope, can’t get past that one either. You?

4 Honor thy mother and father, got past that one

5 thou shall not kill, that’s two in a row

6 thou shall not commit adultery, three

7 thou shall not steal, four

8 thou shall not bear false witness, got five now

9 thou shall not covet they neighbors house, six

10 thou shall not covet any of the neighbors stuff, seven

Well count the other two and I’m only at not sinning 83 % of the time.

Boy I gotta quit missing the Sabbath meaning so much then I’d be at 92 %

And then the cussing problem…….

And those are the ones that are written down.

Now comes the easy part.

All we have to do is fall down on our knees and ask the Father to look down upon me a sinner, who is truly sorry for the sins that I have committed against you, those know to me and those which I can’t fully understand.

You know what, by the GRACE of God your sins are for given!

Thanks be to God AMEN




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