Jan 29th Message

Oh Lord may the words from my mouth be from your inspirations top my heart, Amen.

As we start to get comfortable in this short green season, the time for teaching, learning, and to comprehend what God is all about, we get just that here in week 4 in time after Epiphany. For when we look at our lessons, Psalm, and Gospel for this day, the teaching of the beatitudes, the learning from Micah, and getting a better understanding about God is in all four.

The beatitudes, the Blesseds are you and the Blessed are thou’s. The Sermon on the “mound!” Jesus, teaching us how we are eached “blessed” in our own ways. For as one reads down through that list, we can find ourselves in at least one of those descriptions, if not two or more. But, the only one that I can see that is missing, Blessed are the “believers”. For are we not, us Christians, BLESSED? Blessed by the blood of the Lamb, washed in the water of baptism and washed in that blood. Sins confessed, sins forgiven, white robes, and eternal life! 

Now when we look at the Old Testament lesson from Micah, what do we hear? For aren’t the children of Israel informed on what to do. For verse one sure sounds a  lot like our confessions: Hear what the Lord says: Rise, plead your case before the mountains, and let the hills hear your voice.  Just replace mountains with Alter and the hills with the Holy Trinity and is that not what we do?  Do we not stand here before God and one another and plead our case? That here we stand, a sinner, seeking and asking for God, Grace and forgiveness, from the one who is the first born. That perfect sacrifice that was given. That sacrifice greater than any type of offering us mere mortals could come up with, which by the way came from God, to begin with! 

Yes, Micah gives us a lot of information to learn from, we just need to tie what the Old Testament lessons tells us and bind them with what the New Testament is fulfilling. For are we also not told on how we are to go forth? For Micah 6:8 says: He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? 

Which just happens to tie right in with Psalms 15:1; Lord, who may dwell in your tabernacle? Who may abide upon your Holy hill? Those who lead a blameless life and do what is right, who speak the truth from their heart. Well, we can do at least two of those three, the do what is right and speak the truth, for try as we might, that blameless part, that one is sorta outta of our grasp. For even when we are sleeping, that’s when all those unknown ones happen. You know all those sins we confess too, those known and unknown ones, for try as we can, human nature will take us all right back to that tree of truth and knowledge and eat we will!

That fruit that educated us all on what was right in God’s eyes and that which was not right with him. That which gave us the wisdom to discern that what more and more people are taking as foolishness and thus the understanding of just what the Cross means to those who follow the only Begotten Son. That unlike the Jews and Greeks, we do not require the proper signs and worldly wisdom, to comprehend God’s love for his creation. 

That at the sign of the Cross, we have gained the wisdom of knowing what Jesus did. That the sign of the bread and wine, we know that this is the body and blood given and shed for our sins. That at the sign of the Baptsimal Font we have the wisdom of our sins being washed away by the water and the Words. That at the signs of the Creeds we say, we have the wisdom to know and understand those words and at the signs of the beginning of each and every day, we have the wisdom of knowing that God is still creating. 

Now, if the rest of this world thinks that all of this is foolishness, well then so be it! For I would rather live this life in foolishness, in believing that there is God the Father, God the Son; Jesus Chrsit, and God the Holy Spirit, than when judgment day comes not believing. For who is the Fool then?

For 1 Corinthians 1:19 says; For it is written, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the discernment of the discerning I will thwart.” which I do believe states in layman’s terms, That those who think that all that there is just happened by chance and have spent many of years trying to explain things as such, well then they be the fools!

So, let us go forth, play the fool, and saying; Praise be to God, Hallelujahs to the King, Up from the Grave he Arose, and Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so. For indeed, Blessed are we who believe.

Praise be to God, Amen.

Jan 8th Homily

Oh Lord may the words from my mouth be from your inspirations to my heart, Amen

As we start this year’s mini “Green” season, the time after Epiphany, six short weeks before the next big season, we hear of when Jesus is baptized by John the Baptist. Now, if you remember last week the Christ child was in time with the world, for Jesus was named on his eighth day yet, today we have accelerated to Christ being about thirty years old. God’s time! For some of us, time goes very very slow but we still ask each other, where did the time go? When one day you’re eight days old and the next many years have passed. Can any of us relate? The only thing I can say is sit back and enjoy what God has planned for you and hold on! Hold on to what we know to be most certainly true, that our Triune God is in control, quit bucking the system for God is at work in you, through you, and for you.

As we look into St. Matthew, today’s Gospel, I find it interesting at what is taking place between John and Jesus. For if we go all the way back, before either one was born, John was leaping for joy inside his mother’s womb when Mary was visiting Elizebeth. Knowing what we have learned about John, he was proclaim from the wilderness that there is one greater than he coming and as John was baptizing at the River Jordan, Jesus comes forth, to be baptized as well. We hear John say that it is he who should be baptized by Jesus, yet Jesus says; “Let it be so now; for it is proper for us in this way to fulfill all righteousness.” In other words, to fulfill what Isaiah long ago about how to identify the Messiah. Then it is as if John awakes to what he had learned from what had been handed down from generation to generation. That the chosen one, will be needing baptized. And what do we see and hear when Jesus comes up out of the waters! The dove and the voice saying; “This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.”

Can you imagine what those standing around the banks thought when this occurred? Did they hear these words or did they just think it was thunder? Makes one wonder if those same types of people think the same thing when we try to be like Peter from the New Testament lesson from Acts, telling Cornelius about who and what Jesus is and did. Do they hear and come to believe as to what Christ is? Or do they turn away from the truth and call us “one of those crazy ones”? Are you one of those “crazy ones”? The Christian singing group, Casting Crowns has a fairly new song called just that “Crazy people” and the chorus goes like this: Crazy people trust in Jesus, Following Him wherever He leads us, Kingdom seekers, walk-by-faith believers. Here’s the church, here’s the steeple Here’s to all God’s crazy people. 

Crazy people, for when we read Acts 10: 34-43, doesn’t it sound like Cornelius is just a little crazy on sending his people to Joppa to find Peter, after seeing his vision? And Simon Peter, who in the verse prior to verse 34 sees his own vision about clean and unclean, common and uncommon. Now, Peter goes to Cornelius and tells him about how God looks at all peoples, which goes directly against what the Jews practiced, keep to your own, don’t associate with the common and unclean. Yet, Cornelius, having believed in god’s, seeks information about the one true God, the Father, the creator,. The only Begotten Son, the true Paschal Lamb, and the Holy Spirit, the giver and taker of life. After hearing what Peter tells him, his entire household gets baptized. Now either Peter has a smooth tongue or the message, the “Good News” of Jesus Christ, has power! That when the Trinity works on you, things happen. One no longer walks around in the darkness, that one can understand the meaning of love, and one now has meaning to their lives. That they are no longer just another lost soul stumbling around wondering what’s going to happen next. That when the light of the world enlightens your days, you’ll fit right into the chorus; putting your trust in Jesus, following him wherever he leads, seeking first the Kingdom of God, and walking by Faith; not by sight.

That as we come seeking greater understanding of God plan for us, we come to his house to hear his words, we come confessing we are sinners, we come seeking his mercy and grace and forgiveness of those sins, we come to give our thanks and praise for all that has been given unto us, and we come to be reminded of to whom we belong. For as we all have been washed in the water and the words of Holy Baptism, we are now brothers and sisters in Christ. That just as the Father said, I am well pleased, we, who have put our trust in Jesus, having gone down to those same depths as Christ, when he died for our sins, we are risen up out of those baptismal waters, alive with Christ. We were then marked with the Cross of Christ, and are remarked every Ash Wednesday to remind us that we are dust, yet we are Christs. That when that final trumpet sounds, the Cross of Christ will show we are his and Heaven’s reward awaits.

So, let us all enjoy being one of those crazy people!

Praise be to God, Amen. 

First Homily for 2023

January 1, 2023

Kids Sermon

As we still celebrate Christmas, I wanted to point something out about the Advent Wreath and how it plays into our lives. 

The first Advent candle represents HOPE and is referred to as the “Prophecy Candle”, where we first were told to make the road straight, to take all the highs, lows, and curves in our so-called lives and set our sights on what is coming. That “gift”!

The second candle represents FAITH and is referred to as the “Bethlehem Candle”, Mary and Joseph’ journey to Bethlehem. We can look at this candle as our own “journey” of FAITH to the CROSS.

The third candle represents JOY and is referred to as the “Shepherds Candle” signifies as to what the world will fill as the “Word becomes Flesh”.

The fourth candle represents PEACE and is referred to as the “Angel’s Candle” that “peace on earth, good will towards men” feeling. But, what we feel when God is near, that peace that surpasses all understanding.

Then the center “White” candle represents the “LIGHT” of the World, the “Christ Candle”. That as this candle is fired up, we “KNOW” Emmanuel, God is with us.

That this wreath can describe us in many ways, for all around us, just like this wreath, makes a circle around us and what is in the center of us? Our Hearts, right! When Jesus is in our hearts, just like the wreath, he is our light. 

Let that Hope, Faith, Joy, and Peace keep our eyes focused on that LIGHT. 

For that LIGHT is what our Heavenly Father has given us to save us. Saves us from all those trials and tribulations that rule this world.

So, take this gift of LIGHT to the rest of the world on this Joyous Celebration of the “New Born King”! 



Oh Lord may the words from my mouth be from your inspirations to my heart, Amen.

Well we said it just five weeks ago as we started the Church Year, so, Happy New Year! We’ve said Auf Wiedersehen to 2022 and hallo to 2023, may we find the coming year full of God’s Mercy and Grace.

As we celebrate this 8th day of Christmas, we are reminded that we go all the way to the sixth, Epiphany, in finishing buying all those gifts. At least we’re done with the “bird’s”! 

Well Mary and Joseph now have an 8 day old son and according to Jewish law, two things happened today, we finally get to know this little “boy’s” name and he gets circumcised. Now today’s title for this Sunday is, The naming of Jesus, with this Sunday also being referred to as low census Sunday, the first Sunday after Christmas, when most Pastors take a breather from the festivities of Christmas, how many would have shown up for; circumcision Sunday?!

Giving Jesus’ his name! Now, put yourselves in Jeusus’ time frame. This is how the Jews did it and if I’m not mistaken, this practice continues and was generally used till the late middle ages by everyone esls, mainly because of the survival rates of newborns back then. Along the lines of not named not remembered, fact of life, move on. Whereas today, the newborn has barely cleared the womb and someone asks, name please. 

As I was working for today’s sermon, just how many names do we have for Jesus? Then the Pual Simon song; “50 ways to leave your lover” popped into my head, because there are at least fifty ways we call upon Jesus. Some come out here at Christmas, like; Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, the Word made Flesh, the Great I am. And the most important one for us to remember, Emmanuel, God with us,.

As we go through the Church year, more of Jesus’ names will be made known, so just like in baseball, when the pitcher strikes someone out, the fans put up a “K” on the baloney, maybe us “fan’s” of Jesus, do the same! Eight so far!

But, what does the name of Jesus inspire in you? For we all know that this most blessed gift from our Heavenly Father has come to pay the price for our sinning. Right? Do we ride around on this world of ours not thinking, Emmanuel or remember that, Emmanuel?

For how easy is it for all of us, at times, to forget that? When the weight of our everyday lives drags us down and away from the “light”, when we find the trials and tribulation have clouded our sights and that separation we have created from God just seems to be getting wider and wider. When one finally finds themselves at their wit’s end and can’t figure out which way to go. Why do we find it so hard to do, quit digging, digging that hole that you find yourself in and “look-up”. Look-up to where Jesus is, sitting at the right hand of the Father. Climb up on that “corner stone” and look for that light that is in the center of your heart and know that your redeemer lives. That salvation is only a prayer away and your advocate is there with his hands stretched out, to pull you up from those depths that you have created. To bring us back to that one step closer to God.

Now, bear with me for this next part, circumcision, the removal of the foreskin, fulfilling what was covenanted between God and Abraham, to follow the law that was passed out in Leviticus 12:3; on the eighth day, all males shall be circumcised. The removal of something on the body to show God we belong to him. Now, following along, do we not come to God’s house and confess we need something removed from ourselves? Do we not come to God’s Altar with a heavy yoke, full of our transgressions? Do we not seek forgiveness of those transgressions in front of God and one another? I do believe that each and everyone of us have answered yes, that we come here to His House seeking forgiveness through that most precious “Gift” given unto us. Thee only Begotten Son, thee bread of life, thee Alpha and Omega, and the one who gave of himself at Calvary, thee Lamb of God.

That as we come to the “Lord’s table” to partake of “Holy Communion”, that as we take the body and blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, all those transgression are wiped clean, we are made Holy, if only for that briefest of moments, and are able to wear a spotless white robe when stand in front of the “Judge” and hear him say, this one is my brother or sister, welcome home. 

So, when at last we see what we hear from the New Testament lesson from Philippians 2:9-11: Therefore God also highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. And you say no way, I’ll say Yahweh!

Praise be to God, Amen.

BTW, that’s 20 today!

2nd Sunday after E 2021

Oh Lord may the words from my mouth be from your inspirations to my heart, Amen.

Who wants to go fishing? Now, before you start thinking about what type of “fish” we’re going after, let’s stop and think about the Old Testament lesson and the Gospel for today. If we backtrack just a little in the Old Testament lesson, you ought to remember that Jonah just got done, spending three days in the belly of a fish and that Jesus is looking for fishers of bipedal carbon-based units. What? You say about bipedal carbon-based units! Well, if we are going to water done everything in the Bible, as to not to offend anyone, well then you can not get any more “neutral” than saying, bipedal carbon-based units.

Now, I’m by no means a “Greek”, “Latin”, or an “Aramaic” scholar or even able to read or speak these languages, but I’m pretty sure the words that Jesus spoke, were not what we heard in today’s Gospel. But, here’s just three examples of what I’m talking about:

First; from good ole King James: And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.

Second; The Message Bible: Jesus said to them, “Come with me. I’ll make a new kind of fisherman out of you. I’ll show you how to catch men and women instead of perch and bass.”

And Third; God’s Words Translations: Jesus said to them, “Come, follow me! I will teach you how to catch people instead of fish.”

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m all for what Martin Luther did for us “lay” people, translating the Bible from Greek/Latin to German, so we could finally be able to read and try to understand what God is saying to us, but how long before God’s words become so watered down, that the true meanings of the “Thou shall not’s” become clear as mud? However, whatever Bible you chose to read, the “wisdom of God” is being acquired and hopefully understood to show who and what you are! A Child of God, who is being showered daily, in God’s amazing Grace!

Now, getting back to Jonah, how many of us, have heard or felt as though God was wanting us to act on something or say something to those around us and really didn’t want to do it. For just as Jonah had a job to do and didn’t want to do it. To go to Nineveh and tell them to change their ways, before God smites the whole City. He ends up in the belly of a fish/ whale, in other words, Jonah is in living in and going through, “hell”. All because he thought, going to Nineveh was going to be the worst thing that could happen to him. Boy oh boy, did he find out that the bark was worse than the bite and for what we might think, going through hell might be like and as they say, living the dream!

Now, here’s the wake-up call. Do you think that when Jonah, finally delivers God’s message, “Forty days more, and Nineveh will be overthrown!”, that those in Nineveh remembered what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah? Change your way or be “smitten with fire and brimstone!

What do you think about what should happen to any other city, county, country, or even the “world”, if a message like this shows up? How many of us would don the ashes and sackcloth’s, to save us from being smitten? Would any of us even listen to those words of “repent or face the consequences”? For how many half-truths and right out just blatant lies have we heard, that no one would believe those words? For as when everything is watered down and I mean “everything”, that when the whole truth and nothing but the truth comes out in the open, the outcry of being biased against the “progress” of men, well no I can’t say that, the progress of society, overrides that truth and those truths are ignored! For how many of us, believe in everything we hear? How many go and fact check what they have heard? Or do they go through this life, lacking the wisdom of good and evil? That right versus wrong is what everyone struggles with. The only problem is when the lie is said long enough and loud enough, then people start to believe it to be the truth.

Which brings us to the call for the “fishers for bipedal carbon-based units”! For if one wishes to gain the “wisdom” of God. The what God is, the who God is, and the why God is, you need to hear that “Good News”, and as “we” become those fishing for those units, what better “bait” to us than the “TRUTH”! The truth, that in the beginning, God created, the truth, that the Word became flesh, the truth, the God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, begotten, not made, of the very same nature of the Father, by Whom all things came into being, in heaven, and on earth, visible and invisible, became man, the truth, that Jesus Christ lived as one of us, the truth, that he became the “pascal lamb”, that perfect atonement for us sinning, the truth, he was crucified, died and was buried and on the third day “AROSE” triumphant over the grave, the truth, that Jesus Christ has paved the way for us and our salvation, from this life to the next, of everlasting life with him, the Father, the Holy Ghost, and the Host of Heaven. The truth, that all one has to do is gain the wisdom, that all of this is most certainly true. To confess to God that we are sinners and are seeking forgiveness of those sins. That we come to the Altar of God seeking his Mercy and Grace and to partake in his Holy Supper. That the truth, as we take the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, those sins are forgiven and forgotten. The truth, that as children of God, we will be dressed in robes of white and joining the Host of Heaven in singing; Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty.

Now those who do fishing to the extreme, they use what the professionals say to use, the best bait to catch what you’re fishing for, so, yes, we have the “bait” to become those fishing for souls. So, become a member of CASH! Christian Anglers Spreading Hope! And who said fishing wasn’t fun and exciting!?

So, happy fishing!

Praise be to God, Amen.

Christmas Sunday #2 2021

Oh Lord may the words from my mouth be from your inspirations to my heart, Amen.

Welcome to the first “green” season of the Church year, and with all this talk about water, I believe it can only get greener. As we dive into today’s lessons and Gospel, we see once again, the third time this year, about a voice crying out in the wilderness. Yes, John the Baptist, is making known once again that there is one greater than I coming. That he is even not worthy to untie his sandals. Now, I don’t know how low down on the society pole one has to be, to be the tier and untier of another’s sandals, but my guess is that there could only be two other lower positions, that would put one at the bottom of that list.

From the very beginning, as we hear in Genesis 1; the earth was a formless void and darkness covers the face of the deep. Can anyone of you imagine this? For as we look upon God’s creation, with all the shapes, the colors, and the majesty of life. That it all started from nothing! Now, if you will, think about us humans. For in the development of us, after conception, one of the stages in our lives is called, blastulas, it is when there is a “void” in the center of all those cells. If you may, it’s where all the “good” stuff goes, to make the human body. In God’s great wonders of how things work, two halves come together to make one. All the while, floating, in its most basic sense, water.

Two atoms of Hydrogen and one atom of Oxygen, water. One of the most important elements one needs in order to survive. For without it, we would die of thirst, nothing could grow and produce the other substances we need, in order to survive, and without it, one would be going through this world, only being a half. Yes, only a half a being. By that, I mean, can you think of what makes a person whole? That person who is living in darkness and has a “void” in their lives. Those people, out in the world, who have not, as we hear in the New Testament lessons from Acts 19: “No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.”, and if that is their answer, for we all know they have heard about at least one god, if not thee God. Then thus explains the darkness and that void they feel.

Now, as we sit here today, for most of the time, we do live in the light of the world, Jesus Christ, and don’t feel as if there is a “void” in our lives, but the darkness soon creeps in and the great chasms begin. Because. For some reason, the act of us being whole, by that I mean, there being no separations between us and God, that one half of us, the “dark side” exposes itself. We find that we cannot help ourselves, for we are “human” and we commit to where we all started, sinning.

For do we, not all start our lives in the darkness? For until we are born, we are in the darkness of the womb, and for until we are “born” again, we are living in the darkness of the world.
And even though, the “light of the world” Jesus Christ, came into the world, there still is darkness upon the face of the earth and its growing. For are we not living in a time of the darkness growing? Do we not see that the will of man is trying to take charge of our lives! Do we not see that what was once right and true, being told that no it is wrong, this is how you are to live? That what we know to be evil and goes against God’s will and pleasure, is now what one is to think or do! That even coming to worship and praise our Lord and Savior, is being frowned upon and in some cases, those who are holding service are being arrested and fined, even though it is one of those things that is suppose to be a right, you know, freedom of religion! But, because the will of man, here we are. People not living their lives because of fear!

That fear that keeps them away from what we are all in need of, God’s overabundance of grace. That fear of there being two or more, gathered together, will spread more than the presence of Christ being there. That being a believer in God and his creating all that there is and shall be, can be detrimental to one’s health. That separations, is the only way, to survive.

So, here’s the dilemma; sinning is that which separates from God and we are being told that separations is what will keep us from dying. However, being separated from God, will cause one to die, completely. By that, I mean, on the final day, the day of judgment, standing before God, to determine where one will spend eternity, will all of those, who have separated themselves from God, be able to look into Jesus’ face and see either the light of eternal live or the darkness of eternal damnation?

For let’s face it, the longer one goes without that which can sustain you, you will surlily die. For just as we need food and water, for this earthly body to live, our spiritual being needs to be fed as well. Sharing in the fellowship of Christ is one way to be fed, but as one becomes accustom to not worshiping as one body. Gathering together to worship and praise, coming to Gods alter seeking and asking for forgiveness to that which has separated us from him, and to do this in remembrance of me, will we not starve?

So, in these times of new trials and tribulations, as the darkness tries to overcome the “light”, let us take those words of Jesus Christ, to go forth into the world teaching and preaching and baptizing all nations. That they may not utter these words; No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit. Let us be the ones who drives away the darkness and spread the good news about the “light of the world”!

That Jesus Christ is that light. That light that leads on down the path of righteousness. The one who will fill the void in your lives and the one who makes you whole.

Praise be to God, Amen

Christmas Sunday 12/27/2020

Oh Lord, may the words from my mouth be from your inspirations to my heart, Amen.

Merry Christmas! Ho, Ho, Ho, or bah humbug? Yes, it is that time of year, when we are supposed to be merry and bright, however, the way this year has proven to be, do we all sorta feel like Scrooge?  Well, anyway, here we are, day three of the Christmas season, so, how is everyone doing with all those birds we’ve collected so far? You know; the three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree. Hope you’ve got lots of newspapers! Now, if you didn’t know it, the twelve days of Christmas is also another way of telling the Christian story. Depending on what reference material you find, you will also find different meaning, but here’s what I think the first three days are; of course, the partridge in the pear tree; the best gift ever given! Is Jesus Christ. The two turtle doves, Mary and Joseph, and the three French hens’; the three wise men or Magi. So, no matter which explanations of the song you find or are fond of, as of right now, you’re still gonna have a lot of bird droppings to deal with and it’s only going to get worse.

As we dive into the Gospel for today, for us it’s only been three days, but in God’s time, eight days have past and we find the new Family going to Church As we heard, according to Jewish law, the first-born male, is to be presented to God. Mary and Joseph take Jesus to the Temple and low and behold we find two “old” parishioners there. Simeon and Anna. Both having a Faith in God, that we all should attempt to have. That they both have been touch by the Holy Spirit and both have had a promised made and a promise given.

As Simeon says, when he sees Jesus and Holds him, we find the words we use for the post-Communion canticle during Lent: Now, Lord, you let your servant go in peace: your word has been fulfilled. My own eyes have seen the salvation which you have prepared in the sight of every people: a light to reveal you to the nations and the glory of your people Israel. Now, Lord, you let your servant go in peace. Simeon’s promise was not to die before he got to see the Messiah, and thus, he was ready to be called home. How many of us, when we are singing these words can relate to Simeon? Do we have “enough” Holy Spirit in us and have the same trust in what was promised to us, as Simeon had in his promise?

That promised made when that spark of our Faith was born. That Faith in what this season is all about. The giving of a gift. A gift that will one day fulfill these words; This child is destined for the falling and the rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be opposed, so that the inner thoughts of many will be revealed. Boy oh boy, what a gift, indeed! Now, does Simeon get it right? The falling and rising of many in Israel. For how many of those first followers of
Christ, does this describe? A sign to be opposed, for how many Jews are still waiting for the “Messiah” to come, let alone, how many Gentiles have no idea about this gift, given unto us, really means. And what do your “inner thoughts” tell you? So, yes, what a gift indeed!

Now, if we look at the falling that Simeon is talking about, our personnel fallings, for are we not falling each and every day? By this I mean, don’t we find ourselves: sinning! In every though, every word, and every deed? Even when we know what we are thinking, saying and doing! Let along what might be happening sub-consciously. Do we not all fall short of God’s Glory. Do we not all find ourselves in need of this “Gift” from God daily?  Are we not all-in need of God’s Grace? Which brings us to the rising part. For as we come confessing that we fall, that yes, we are constantly in need of the “Gift”, and as we come to God’s Altar, asking and seeking forgiveness of our fallings, and after we partake in the Lord’s supper, do we not feel lifted? Lifted up from those depths of one not forgiven! And What about those “inner thoughts”? Those things we think about, when no one is watching! I mean, when you are spending time, hopefully with God, alone! If any of us happen to have that “time”! Alone, let alone, with God! Time for you to think about what is happening in your life. That time when you are dreaming what might be, what could be, and the reality that, this is what it is.

The be and it! The might, the could, and the truth. As we go through life, do we not all keep thinking about these three things? Even as life keep throwing curve balls at us, don’t we adjust our lives to “get by”? For there to be in life that land of everything being rosy, peachy, squeaky, and A-OK. Where what we though our lives would have turned out, to be perfect. Ah, to be perfect! No worries, no problems, no outside forces, changing your life, just a life full of golden streets and all your dreams come true. As Mr. Rogers’ said, the land of make believe.

But, then our “inner thoughts” are interrupted by everyday life. And we find ourselves once again, dealing with reality. The reality of life! The reality that each day is a gift, a special gift from God, our Father. That as we rise each day, are we not thankful for what we have been given? That as a Christian, our reality is different from those who lack the knowledge of what the “reason for the season” is all about! That as we move forward in the Christmas season, we go forth knowing what this baby born in Bethlehem is the salvation of the world. That the Christ child will grow in stature and knowledge. That the wonders of this “gift” will give us eternal life! That as our own Faith grows in stature and knowledge, we gain the full meaning of God’s only Begotten Son. That with the Holy Spirit, our Triune God will be led us to not the land of make believe, but to the Promised Land!

Praise be to God, Amen.

Christmas Eve 2020

Oh Lord may the words from my lip be from your inspirations to my heart, Amen.

Oh, Holy night, the stars are brightly shining and if you happened to staying in touch with what is going on, the news stated that the star of Bethlehem, which just happens to be two plants, Saturn and Jupiter, came in close alignment to make it look like a brighter “star”, was shining on Monday. Now, if I remember the story of the “wise men”, they traveled afar, for months, following the “star”, not just a few days of, wishful thinking. Well, 800 or so years from now, those who might be gazing southwest ward, this time anyway, just might get to see this happen again. But, for us, tonight has a more special reason for the season.

Oh, Holy night indeed! The eve of our dear Saviors birth, the night we come to sing praises to the new born King. The night we get instructions to, “Go tell it on the mountain”. The night we shout “Joy to the world”, for tonight, Emanual, God with us.

Now as we come together to remember Jesus’ birth, memories of Christmas Eve’s past come rolling in, at least for me, those nights of trying to remember those lines, not to mess up, to make mom and dad, grandma and grandpa proud as you told the story of that little night in Bethlehem. These same lines that we hear in the Gospel tonight. The only difference was those lines came from the only “Bible” to be used, the King James version. Unlike todays version, the one made easy to read, so that those without understanding, might be able to comprehend what they are reading. To make things simple enough that even the thickest headed one’s, might get a clue.

The clue, that there is something very special happening tonight, that as the Old Testament lesson from Isaiah foretells of something great, grand, and something to get excited about, will occur. If you listen to these words, doesn’t it seem like this is describing the world we are living in today? For are not there a whole bunch of people walking around out there, in the big vast world, who are living in darkness? Are they not stumbling into everything they come across? How many people are walking down that darken tunnel, that leads to nowhere, asking themselves, why am I here?

Well tonight, that darkness, disappears! For unto us a child has been born and God’s only begotten Son, was given, the light of the world. That light to drive away all the darkness, for as we completed the Advent Wreath, the wait is over. That for which we have been anticipating, is finally here. The Christ candle is lit, Emanual is here.

As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, I feel we ought to be thinking of and remembering a birth of our own. No, not our birth, birthday, but our born-again date. You know, that date when the words were spoken and the water, over our heads! Well, Ok, maybe some of us don’t remember that day, but those of us who have been Baptized, Christmas should remind you of that which was born in you on that day. The start of your Faith, the day when as Isaiah foretold, a promise was made. That promise of what the birth of Christ is all about. That yes, all authority rests upon his shoulders, given unto us, because we are in need of that Wonderful Counselor, the one who we can turn to, when we find ourselves in that darken tunnel, called life. That yes we do have a Mighty God, one who is slow to anger and bounding in steadfast love. That we have an Everlasting Father, that is only a prayer away, and the Prince of Peace. That for those who believe and understand what Jesus is all about, there is peace that surpasses all understanding, and that when asked, one will be at peace.

That Faith, that causes you to be here, celebrating a birth that happened some 2000 plus years ago. That Faith, which cause you to understand what that birth means to those who follow Christ. That Faith, that allows you to be at peace within yourself, even as the chaotic world turns around the sun. That Faith, like those lowly shepherds, causes you to come and see what the Lord has made known unto us. Oh, to have that Faith, to be just like Joseph, to be able to see an Angle and listen to what that Angle had to say. That the child that your betrothed, is carrying, is the Son of God. That Faith of God having a plan for you, just like God has great plans for us There are times, when we may not understand nor like these plans, and even though we may think these are not so “great”, either! We need to have patients, just like these past four weeks, for have we not all been patiently waiting for this night? For have we not all been, just like when we were younger, I was going to say when we were growing up, but, some of us might still be needing to grow-up, we just can’t wait to see what presents are under the “tree”. For are we not waiting for the bestest gift ever given? You know, that gift from God, the “reason for the season”! The night of our dear Saviors birth. That Oh, Holy night of our dear Saviors birth.

So, as we come together, in celebration and remembrance of Christ the Savior is born, lets us join the Heavenly host in proclaiming; Glory to God in the highest and peace and goodwill to men”. Let us repeat the joy of this day, let those who are traveling in the darkness know that there is hope for a new day. To look for the light at the end of the tunnel, for there you will find what you are looking for. For like us, we have found Jesus Christ, the great “I am”.

So, Emanual.

Praise be to God, Amen.

Advent 3 2020

Well I can’t believe that I have let this place slip out of my mind. Thinks have been busy and I have been meaning to put my homilies on this site, just haven’t done so. But, start this new Church year, I’ll be adding them as I preach them. So, first sermon of 20/21 Church year:

Oh Lord may the words from my mouth be from your inspirations to my heart, Amen.

Light three candles to watch for Messiah, let the light banish darkness. Lift your heads and lift high the gateway for the King of glory. Yes, week three of our time of preparations’, three tapers burning, to show us that the day draws near. Signs, that something is coming. That soon, the greatest gift of all, will be delivered.

Signs, that informs us to start getting ready, for as the voice cries out of the wilderness, or in our case, the prairie, ‘Make straight the way of the Lord,” as the prophet Isaiah said. Make straight, indeed. Our Lives, anyway.

For as we here in our Old Testament lesson from Isaiah: he has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and release to the prisoners; to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn. Fitting words for this past year. For has it not been like we’ve been in exile, just like the Israelite’s?  For have we not seen this past year, those things in which the Israelite couldn’t do, while in Babylon? Mainly for us, not being able to go to Church and more importantly, come together and worship in our own Church!  Even now, it is highly recommended, to not hold in-person, worship services. Now, don’t get me wrong, for if you feel uncomfortable being in fellowship with your Church family, yet are OK with going to the “big” stores, that’s your choice, however, when you are wondering why you are feeling hungry after eating, that food from the “big” store, it just might just be your spiritual body, that’s crying out, to be fed!

To proclaim the year of the Lord, to inform of the day of vengeance of our God. Yes indeed, we are in the Advent season and I’m not talking just about the coming of a little baby, born in a manger. Make straight the way of the Lord and as we heard from last week’s Old Testament lesson; the valleys will be raised up and the mountain tops lowered, to make the path straight and even. Word’s for us to ponder over and wonder where we might be, on our own path. Our own path that leads us to the Cross. For if you are like me, even though we have an express ticket, I’m taking that “scenic route”! Not because, oh it’s pretty, not because of less traffic, and not because it’s shorter, it’s because I’m a sinner.

For have we not all been taking the “scenic route”? For we, that have gained the wisdom granted from God, of his great works and how to gain access to being able to see him and be with the host of Heaven, don’t we still find ourselves wondering off that straight and narrow path. Don’t we find ourselves, “committing the crimes”? Do we not find ourselves, sinning, once again? Going with reckless abandonment down that “scenic route”! Even though it’s filled with sharp curves and speed bumps, we make that wrong turn and after seeing we are going nowhere, finally stop to ask ourselves, where are we going? Now, for most of us, we know that God allows U-Turns!  That as we find ourselves, get farther away from God, all we have to do is stop! What were doing, saying, thinking, or going, that is separating us from God. To turn around and fall to our knees and confess that we’re not on that straight and even path, that leads to salvation. That we have fallen into that old trap of “if it feels good, do it” routine. In other words, we have not abstained from everything that is evil, and that we have fallen once again, short of God’s Glory. That we are again in need of that forgiving Grace from God, through Jesus Christ.

For do we not hear in our New Testament lesson from I Thessalonians Chapter 5, that U-Turns are allowed; for REJOICE always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise the words of prophets, but test everything; hold fast to what is good. May the God of peace himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do this. These words from the Apostle Paul to the Thessalonians, still hold true to us today.

Now, I would like for you to think about these two passages, test everything and hold fast to what is good. For if you hear or read something that makes you scratch your head and say, What! Hold onto what you know is most certainly true. In other words, test the waters. See for yourself, if it’s true or not. But, know this, what you choose to believe can either put you on that road less traveled or on a freeway to hell! For as the song says, I will choose to listen to the voice of truth. For that voice of truth will lead us down that path of righteousness, for his name’s sake.  

So, as we continue in our advent, our preparations of the coming blessed remembrance, let us listen to the words from today’s Psalms; Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy.
Then they said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.” The Lord has done great things for us, and we are glad indeed. Those great things; the birth of a Savior, the preaching and teachings, the ultimate sacrifice, the Glorious resurrection, and a promise.

That though the one who shouts out from the wilderness, prepares the way, only baptized with water, and one not worthy to untie his sandals has made know that one is coming, that is greater than he. So, let us be like John the Baptizer, shout out that “Good News”, tell others to prepare for that who is coming, to seek out and test the voice of truth, the Bible, to come to the Altar of God, confessing they are sinners and seeking forgiveness, to come to the banquet and feast on that the Lord has provided and to give thanks and praise to the Great I am.

So, light one candle to wait for Messiah, let the light banish darkness, he shall bring salvation to Israel, God fulfills the promise.

Praise be to God, Amen    

New Year, new thoughts!

Hello, again, my friends!!

Been spending way too much time on other “things” then staying on top of this web page.

With the talk of “pod”casts, was wondering if this site is a “write”cast??

With all the talk about storing stuff in the cloud, I thought this would be just as good as any for all of my attempts to deliver Gods message when I’m delivering my sermons.

So, stay tuned for updates from Sermons past.

I hope you all will enjoy reading and hopefully catch the meanings.

In Christ,
