Christmas Eve 2020

Oh Lord may the words from my lip be from your inspirations to my heart, Amen.

Oh, Holy night, the stars are brightly shining and if you happened to staying in touch with what is going on, the news stated that the star of Bethlehem, which just happens to be two plants, Saturn and Jupiter, came in close alignment to make it look like a brighter “star”, was shining on Monday. Now, if I remember the story of the “wise men”, they traveled afar, for months, following the “star”, not just a few days of, wishful thinking. Well, 800 or so years from now, those who might be gazing southwest ward, this time anyway, just might get to see this happen again. But, for us, tonight has a more special reason for the season.

Oh, Holy night indeed! The eve of our dear Saviors birth, the night we come to sing praises to the new born King. The night we get instructions to, “Go tell it on the mountain”. The night we shout “Joy to the world”, for tonight, Emanual, God with us.

Now as we come together to remember Jesus’ birth, memories of Christmas Eve’s past come rolling in, at least for me, those nights of trying to remember those lines, not to mess up, to make mom and dad, grandma and grandpa proud as you told the story of that little night in Bethlehem. These same lines that we hear in the Gospel tonight. The only difference was those lines came from the only “Bible” to be used, the King James version. Unlike todays version, the one made easy to read, so that those without understanding, might be able to comprehend what they are reading. To make things simple enough that even the thickest headed one’s, might get a clue.

The clue, that there is something very special happening tonight, that as the Old Testament lesson from Isaiah foretells of something great, grand, and something to get excited about, will occur. If you listen to these words, doesn’t it seem like this is describing the world we are living in today? For are not there a whole bunch of people walking around out there, in the big vast world, who are living in darkness? Are they not stumbling into everything they come across? How many people are walking down that darken tunnel, that leads to nowhere, asking themselves, why am I here?

Well tonight, that darkness, disappears! For unto us a child has been born and God’s only begotten Son, was given, the light of the world. That light to drive away all the darkness, for as we completed the Advent Wreath, the wait is over. That for which we have been anticipating, is finally here. The Christ candle is lit, Emanual is here.

As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, I feel we ought to be thinking of and remembering a birth of our own. No, not our birth, birthday, but our born-again date. You know, that date when the words were spoken and the water, over our heads! Well, Ok, maybe some of us don’t remember that day, but those of us who have been Baptized, Christmas should remind you of that which was born in you on that day. The start of your Faith, the day when as Isaiah foretold, a promise was made. That promise of what the birth of Christ is all about. That yes, all authority rests upon his shoulders, given unto us, because we are in need of that Wonderful Counselor, the one who we can turn to, when we find ourselves in that darken tunnel, called life. That yes we do have a Mighty God, one who is slow to anger and bounding in steadfast love. That we have an Everlasting Father, that is only a prayer away, and the Prince of Peace. That for those who believe and understand what Jesus is all about, there is peace that surpasses all understanding, and that when asked, one will be at peace.

That Faith, that causes you to be here, celebrating a birth that happened some 2000 plus years ago. That Faith, which cause you to understand what that birth means to those who follow Christ. That Faith, that allows you to be at peace within yourself, even as the chaotic world turns around the sun. That Faith, like those lowly shepherds, causes you to come and see what the Lord has made known unto us. Oh, to have that Faith, to be just like Joseph, to be able to see an Angle and listen to what that Angle had to say. That the child that your betrothed, is carrying, is the Son of God. That Faith of God having a plan for you, just like God has great plans for us There are times, when we may not understand nor like these plans, and even though we may think these are not so “great”, either! We need to have patients, just like these past four weeks, for have we not all been patiently waiting for this night? For have we not all been, just like when we were younger, I was going to say when we were growing up, but, some of us might still be needing to grow-up, we just can’t wait to see what presents are under the “tree”. For are we not waiting for the bestest gift ever given? You know, that gift from God, the “reason for the season”! The night of our dear Saviors birth. That Oh, Holy night of our dear Saviors birth.

So, as we come together, in celebration and remembrance of Christ the Savior is born, lets us join the Heavenly host in proclaiming; Glory to God in the highest and peace and goodwill to men”. Let us repeat the joy of this day, let those who are traveling in the darkness know that there is hope for a new day. To look for the light at the end of the tunnel, for there you will find what you are looking for. For like us, we have found Jesus Christ, the great “I am”.

So, Emanual.

Praise be to God, Amen.

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