3rd Sermon

Kids Sermon

The Lord be with you.

How many of you long for the easy days of school. Now, I know this isn’t fair to you real young kids, but for you older ones. Don’t you long for the easy days of just learning you’re A B C’s? How about your 1, 2, 3’s? Wasn’t it easy to ramble those A, B, C’s, after you learned them. Now we have to put those letters together to make words, like cat and car and ball, let alone spelling your name. How about counting to 10? Yes, it was so much easier back then.

You know, praying isn’t as hard as some might believe. We are the ones who make it hard.

How many of you remember the first prayer you were taught. You know the easy one.

“Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.” “God bless mom, dad, and brother, sister, etal.” Amen.

Oh for those easy prayers. Why do we have to make praying so difficult?

Did you ever think that maybe all God wants from us in prayer is a THANK YOU?

So, the next time you are praying to God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, Keep it simple, and just say thanks.



May the words from my lips, be from your inspiration to my heart, amen.

Welcome my friends to the time of the Church year referred to “time after Pentecost” It’s the slow time of the Church year where we can slow down and enjoy God in all of his glory. Time to relax, dig into the Bible, and find those stories and parables to learn more about the Holy Trinity and see just what God has in store for us.

So, before we get too far ahead of ourselves, Let’s talk about how God works in mysterious ways.  Yesterday, Trinity and St. Paul had VBS, had 33 kids and I believe we all had a good time. I talked to the kids about how Jesus taught us how to be fishermen for people. We also have a top ten list for praying. So, here we go.

Just as we learned in the Psalms today, I knew that Gods plan was simple, but didn’t know that God really does work on the “KISS” system. You know keep it simple silly!

And who knew that a good God fearing upbringing would do a person some good. As we learned in 1st Kings, Solomon, who just lost his father King David and is now the new boy king. Is asked from the Lord in a vision what he wants most. His reply is, understanding between right and wrong. Guess maybe the song “Dad I’ve been watching you” was working way back when.

The love that David had for God, showed Solomon what he need to do to, trust in God in his actions and faith in the Lord to help him in time of need. I like the fact that Solomon kept it simple, didn’t ask for things he didn’t need. How many times when we are praying do we get things way too complicated? We lay out this list of “demands” for God to fulfill, and then get angry when we don’t get what we asked for. Keep it simple silly. Yes, I know when we pray, we all ask for things, we pray for others, keep people safe, and guide through the day. Forgive us our trespasses. Help us to forgive others, and thanking God what he has done for us.

Why is it that we just can’t give God what he wants?  Praise him for all the great things he has done. Why is it that we think we have to have a prayer that beats around the bush? Why do we make it hard? As Solomon stated, I don’t know how to go out or come in.

We have all been taught the same prayer as the disciples were taught, when they asked Jesus how they should pray. We’ve all been taught Luther’s Morning and Evening prayers, the Apostle’s Creed. Yet, we still beat ourselves up, on not being able to pray.

Have you ever stopped to think that all God wants, is to here from us. Just like in that song, “Dad, I’ve been watching you” is goes to say that the son was praying to God like he was talking to a friend. We might want to try that sometime, it might surprise us.

Now, I know that simple prayer we had in the kids sermon was just that, simple. Isn’t that why it’s one of the first prayers we teach our kids? But, what if that’s exactly what God wants to hear from all of us! That our soul is his to keep!


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